What is Get Into Nuclear?
There aren't many online places that talk about the BENEFITS of the nuclear industry. Get Into Nuclear is one of those places.
Our newsletter covers everything that shapes the nuclear industry, from public perceptions to the opportunities for work. Four days a week, you'll get commentary, analysis, and original reporting on the issues of the day, like technology development, contract awards, the latest job opportunities, public perception and myth-busting, how you can find an apprenticeship and how the process of working in nuclear really works.
If you care about providing a safe, secure, sustainable environment for future generations, you'll love Get Into Nuclear.
What do I get with a free subscription?
You'll get two weekly newsletters with a free subscription, usually on Mondays and Fridays.
What do I get with a paid subscription?
In addition to those two newsletters, you get two additional newsletters, giving you four newsletters a week. You also get access to our archives, which include hundreds of articles.
You'll also get access to our six-steps to getting into nuclear course, a free CV rewrite, and a LinkedIn profile review.
PLUS, you also get the satisfaction of supporting an independent endeavour that brings new approaches to introducing the nuclear industry and its job opportunities to a new audience who would otherwise not be aware of its benefits and opportunities.
Who are you?
I'm Andrew Crabtree. I’ve run Get Into Nuclear in and around my full-time job in the nuclear industry since 2019.
Through my work with Get Into Nuclear, I have interviewed many current nuclear employers about how they got into nuclear; I've hosted numerous events in schools and colleges across the UK, discussing the variety of career opportunities the nuclear industry offers. I've been interviewed on podcasts, quoted in MSNBC, spoken to thousands of individuals interested in getting into nuclear and helped hundreds do so. My work was recognised in 2023 when I was awarded the STEM Ambassador of the Year 2023 by NSAN.
Before getting into nuclear, I worked as a Bank Manager in Retail Banking for RBS; before that, I played professional Rugby. I'm passionate about providing people with a broad view of career opportunities and helping them find work wherever I can.
I genuinely believe that there has never been a better time to get into nuclear if you so wish, and the job opportunities in nuclear should be made available to everyone regardless of age, background, location or skillset - not everyone in nuclear needs a PhD and wears a lab coat to work.
For people to decide if a career in nuclear is for them, they need to be fully informed about the industry, the benefits the technology brings, and the range of jobs and skills needed in the sector. That is exactly what the newsletter provides. If they choose to pursue a career in nuclear, we can show them where they can apply for live jobs and, if needed, upskill.
How can I reach Andrew?
Drop me an email at andrew@getintonuclear.com or reach out on LinkedIn.
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